Toddler Sleep and Toddler Pillows

I just purchased a toddler pillow. Who even knew they made such things AND that there were so many choices. I wouldn’t want to make the wrong choice when it comes to pillows for my precious little nugget’s noggin. Oh no. And organic? I think she probably would want an organic pillow. For sure. Of course. Definitely.

But, frankly, I’m willing to try anything at this point.

My hope is that this will help our darling daughter start sleeping more comfortably at night and not waking up at 12, 1, 2, 3 and…yep, 4. She used to be SO good. Such a good sleeper. She was sleeping through the night. It was magical. Then she hit the 14 month mark AND got sick on top of that so, well…nobody sleeps at night anymore. Nobody. All night. Smh.

She also has learned how to say “water” — which is stinking adorable — but now also calls all things she drinks water, including when she wants to nurse. Including when she wants to nurse in the middle of the night. All night long. It’s both super duper cute and super duper exhausting to wake up to her cute little face saying “wa-wa” and doing the sign for “more” every hour on the hour all night long. Sigh. Hoping the pillow works some sleepy-time magic! 🙂

Interested in your own toddler pillow? I found this website to be useful and had links and discounts codes right there:

Happy Sleeping!